Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not gross anymore!!

Remember my son hurt his pinky finger on 5/26/11, and his nail popped out of his nail bed -just the back end, you have to see the picture to understand. (Look at the link below for the story and pictures). Well, this is my son’s finger all healed up. I am very happy with the results. I must say again that the emergency room tech did a fabulous job. The new nail came in almost perfectly. There is one little grove in his nail, which I didn’t even see, my son had to point it out. Don't remember what it looked like or what happened? Click here to see: Pictures & post on injury.
Here are some other posts on it:
Click here: Post dated June 15, 2011
Click here: Post dated August 2, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wishing you all Happy Thanksgiving!

Chicken Little wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Henny Penny wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Foxy Loxy wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Ducky Lucky wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Goosey Loosy wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving

....Turkey Lurky says "Go to Hell!!"

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!