Original Lemonade Flavor
by My Husband
Hubert's Lemonade Original is a hit! Close your eyes, take a sip and be transported back to the corner lemonade stand when you were a kid. Well, maybe if lived in Mayberry. I grew up in Los Angeles, but this is what I imagine the neighborhood lemonade stand's cool refreshing drink would have tasted like. To put it plainly, Hubert's Lemonade tastes like... America.
Hubert's Lemonade is unlike any other "mass produced" lemonade I've tasted. It is tart and lacks the sugary sweetness that every other drink maker relies on to peddle their goods.
As a matter of fact, this is an easy way for a wife or husband to impress their spouse. Come to think of it, this could be a commercial for Hubert's Lemonade. Picture the husband out mowing the lawn in the scorching summer heat while the wife relaxes on the couch. As the husband puts away the lawn mower the wife jumps up and takes out several bottles of Hubert's Lemonade and pours them into a glass picture filled with ice and lemon slices. The husband walks in drenched in sweat as the wife pours him a tall glass of refreshing lemonade. The husband smiles in approval, takes a drink and says, "I'm a lucky man." The wife smiles proudly and says to herself, "thanks Hubert's Lemonade."
Hubert's Lemonade... Duh, Winning!
Check these out: What's Awesome, Day Saver, Happiness in a Bottle, Tart, Visitors, Cherry
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