What a bloody mess!!! So, my son was riding his bike yesterday when the chain broke. It flipped him over the handle-bars. He was pretty scraped up (all over) but he must have landed on his hand because his pinky finger was smashed. He called me and was talking a mile a minute. All I heard was bike, crash and hospital. The neighbor took him in and washed him up. I quickly made my way to him. I took him to the emergency room. We got in pretty quick. They got really busy after we were already in. They took an X-ray. Results were in, no breaks or fractures! Thank goodness!! His finger is swollen and the fingernail was bent back and out of it's base. The part of the nail that goes under the cuticle was popping out. So gross! I've never seen a nail do that. It's hard to figure out how that even popped out. The doctor said they are going to have to numb his finger, irrigate it, and then pull the nail off. They did that, and then they cleaned his finger, the nail-bed and the nail. And then they put the nail back in...and then... STITCHED it back into place. They said that he will lose the nail but this will help to save his nail-bed, cuticle area and guide the new nail into place. His finger is wrapped and in a splint.
Today I've been on the phone with insurance, and primary doctor to make an appointment with a hand specialist. So, we are playing phone tag. Watching them fix him up was gross, I had to look away, especially when they were pulling the nail off. Ewww!
I know you all are not getting the whole effect, so that is why I am including the pictures!!! Hahahaha!! Enjoy! ;)
Bloody Mess, injury about an hour after it happened.
See how the base of the nail that was supposed to be under his cuticle/skin area popped out.